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  • Mediation

    Mediation is a voluntary process that allows separating couples to explore outstanding issues
  • Confidential

    All discussions are held in a relaxed environment and either party is free to leave at any time
  • Cost Effective

    Mediation can be a less expensive way to resolve your family disputes
  • Impartial Third Party

    Both sides will have a confidential meeting with an impartial third party
  • Minimise Ill Feeling

    Mediation is less pressured than court proceedings and can minimise ill feeling
  • Cohabitation and Prenuptial Agreements

    Some couples use mediation before entering into pre-nuptial or cohabitation agreements.
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Welcome to Reading Family Mediation

We are a group of experienced family lawyers and a former children's guardian. We bring together expertise to help you with complex financial and child-related matters. Our combined legal knowledge and skilled expertise can guide you and your partner towards a fair and workable outcome. 

As like-minded practitioners, we formed Reading Family Mediation to promote good mediation practice in the local area and to provide you with an expert service when choosing mediation.


Meet Our Mediators

What is mediation?

Why Mediaton SML

Mediation is a voluntary process which enables couples to explore outstanding issues.

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Why use mediation?

Family Mediation SML

Mediation can be especially beneficial where children are involved.

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Why should you choose Reading Family Mediation?

All our mediators are experienced in helping people settle disputes.  As specialist family lawyers, we deal with complex financial matters on a daily basis. We have the necessary experience to understand and explain financial scenarios.

We regularly work with other professionals such as accountants, surveyors and actuaries whose services can also be called upon should it become necessary to obtain expert input within the mediation process.

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Self referral

Once you have made contact with one of our mediators, you can download a referral form here to complete and send to the mediator. 

Download Self Referral Form

Solicitor's referral form

If you are a solicitor referring a client to Reading Family Mediation, please download and use this form to send to the mediator you have spoken to.

Download Solicitor's Referral 

Mediation sessions held in

Henley/South Oxfordshire